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Looking for Foreclosures?

Buying foreclosed property is one thing. Selling that same property is another thing altogether. Here are some tips that will help you turn that investment into cash.

Tip 1. Deal with small repairs. If a door hinge squeaks, lubricate it. Paint the walls and trim an attractive color. Replace vent covers if needed. Replace any torn screens or cracked windows. Make sure all bulbs are replaced and working in lighting fixtures. A bright presentation is cheerier and more inviting.

Tip 2. Do a thorough cleaning of the home. Check drapes; if they need cleaned, have them cleaned. If their condition is beyond cleaning, remove the them. Purchase inexpensive, but attractive blinds and put them up. Clean all carpets. Clean and buff hardwood and tile floors. Scrub any pet stains and use odor removers; call a professional for this task, if necessary. Brush out any trash and crumbs left in the cabinets. Make it shine. Make it smell good. A clean home will sell faster than one that isn't clean.

Tip 3. Make small improvements that will increase the value of your investment. Know which ones will bring the most value for the dollar. Kitchen improvements usually prove to be a good place to start. As an example, a good garbage disposal costs less than $150, but could increase the sales value of the home by several hundred dollars or more. Simple landscaping elements such as having pots of flowers decorating the front of the house or placing redwood mulch around trees or bushes make the outside look inviting and the house homier.

Tip 4. Plan ahead for when you want to sell. Spring and summer are usually the best time of the year for selling a home. Buyers want to be able to move during warm weather months and be in a home before the starting of the school year. Give them the opportunity to be settled in before summer's over.

Tip 5. Use incentives. Provide a home inspection as a part of the buyers package. Include appliances and air conditioners in the selling price. Use the offer of paying closing costs as a nudge for the buyer.

People still want the American dream, their own home. They also want to be treated well when making such an important purchase. Making your investment property look and smell like a home instead of just a house will bring you dividends when it's time to sell. Treating people with courtesy and respect will win you friends as well as buyers.

Published on Sunday 23rd of February 2025 04:57:22 AM More related articles below
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